The ALTERITAS Quant Blue Chip Fund allows investors to benefit from a liquid, balanced equity strategy that covers 28% of the MSCI World capitalisation. Our goal is long-term capital growth with lower volatility and drawdowns compared to the MSCI World.
A quantitative process is used to select 60 blue chip stocks from a universe made up of 23 countries and 1,600 stocks. Only stocks with a market capitalisation of at least USD 20 billion, solid key figures, long-term positive momentum, high liquidity, strong market position and rigorous sustainability criteria are selected. Similar to a football team, the quantitatively measurable team performance is prioritised over the individual performance of a single blue chip for the final selection, resulting in lower volatility and drawdowns for the portfolio.
The EVENT model uses market prices to analyse the probability of a positive market surprise when quarterly figures are published, therefore generating a short-term buy signal. The stock is sold again when the corporate key figures are announced.
Extensive risk management, based on 6 different models, provides selective hedging signals for protection during negative market periods.
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